- Participation in the conference is free of charge!
- If you have any questions concerning the symposium, please kindly sent to them to the following e-mail address:
- The abstract should be prepared according to the template (abstract template) and appropriately titled surname_name_presentation/poster.docx and sent to e-mail address:
- Time allowed for the oral presentation: 12 minutes (10 minutes announcement + 2 minutes discussion).
- Presentations, prepared in PowerPoint or PDF format. The file with a presentation should be uploaded, at latest, during coffee or lunch break preceding attributed time slot.
- Preferred poster format: B1, vertical orientation.
- The Organiser committee reserve the right to change the initial conference schedule.
- The registration is open only to PhD students.
- We emphasise that the selection of a poster/poster presentation in English obliges you to present it in this language.
- Conference logo.
See you in Lodz!