Preparation and testing of polymer composites with antimicrobial properties modified with a constant magnetic field

Project goals:

  • preparation of new polymer composites with silicone rubber, epoxy resin or polyglutamic acid matrix containing fillers with antimicrobial properties such as birch bark, goldenrod, horse chestnut, zinc oxide or benzethonium chloride in an amount of 20% (m/m) and magnetic particles such as carbonyl iron or magnetite in an amount of 10% (m/m) to support the action of an external constant magnetic field
  • determination of changes in structure and physicochemical properties, in particular antibacterial properties, of selected polymer composites under the influence of used dopants
  • preparation in a constant magnetic field of materials which are characterized by new, changed and beneficial physical and chemical properties
  • explanation the effect of a constant magnetic field on the formation and properties of the obtained composites

The obtained polymer composites with antimicrobial properties, which have been sought after for many years, can be used in the chemical, construction and furniture industries, as well as in healthcare. In addition, the applied constant magnetic field with magnetic induction B will be an additional external factor modifying the properties of the polymer composites.

Funding: Excellence Initiative - Research University Competition (IDUB, University of Lodz, edition 2023)
Grant duration: 01.01.2024-01.01.2026
Grant amount: 125 000,00 zł
Project leader: dr hab. inż. M. Zieliński, prof. UŁ
Project team: dr hab. D. Drzewiecka (University of Lodz, Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection), dr E. Miękoś, dr D. Sroczyński, dr A. Fenyk



Impact of static magnetic field on properties of polymers and biopolymers

Biopolymers, due to their specific properties, are of growing interest in many industries and medicine. In particular, biodegradable biopolymers are an interesting alternative for commonly used plastics which large amounts are dumped in landfills since their disposal or recycling is hampered. Static magnetic field as a parameter which controls the course of chemical processes is a part of the global trend of development of materials with new and improved properties. However, this field of research is novelty and unpopular. In this project the following goals were defined:

  • synthesis of polymeric and biopolymeric composites in a static magnetic field with new, altered, and beneficial physicochemical properties
  • determination and explanation of the impact of static magnetic field operated during polymerization and used admixtures on physicochemical properties and structure of the obtained composites
  • investigations on use of a static magnetic field as an additional parameter determining the physicochemical properties of the obtained composites

Funding: Excellence Initiative - Research University programme of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education
Grant duration: 21.03.2022-20.03.2024
Grant amount: 49 600,00 zł
Project leader: dr E. Miękoś
Project team: dr hab. inż. M. Zieliński, prof. uczelni, dr D. Sroczyński

Development of the pharmaceutical blisters recycling method

The implementation project funded by Ministry of Science and Higher Education (programme Inkubator Innowacyjności+) and coordinated by the Technology Transfer Office of University of Lodz.

Grant duration: 01.12.2017-30.06.2018
Grant amount: 70 991,00 zł
Project leader: dr hab. inż. M. Zieliński
Project team: dr E. Miękoś, dr hab., prof. UŁ, S. Skrzypek, dr D. Szczukocki.

Training of students and graduates to increase of their competencies: environmental monitoring with modern analytical techniques and chemometrics

Project number: FSS/2014/HEI/W/0108
Funding: Norway Grants and national grants for development of Polish universities
Grant duration: 01.01.2015-31.03.2016
Grant amount: 382 034,00 zł
Project leader: dr D. Szczukocki
Project team: dr hab. inż. M. Zieliński, et al.

Impact of NCD layers on electrochemical and corrosion properties of selected FeCr-based biomedical alloys

Project number: 3T 08C 036 27
Funding: Ministry of Science and Higher Education
Grant amount: 27.08.2004-26.08.2007
Project leader: prof. dr hab. H. Scholl
Project team: dr hab. inż. M. Zieliński, et al.

Monitoring of Jeziorsko and Sulejów retention reservoirs in terms of eutrophication and toxic cyanobacterial blooms (Phase 1, 2012-2013)

Funding: University of Lodz and Regional Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management in Lodz
Grant duration: 16.10.2012-10.2013
Grant amount: 157 800,00 zł
Project leader: dr B. Krawczyk
Project team: dr hab. inż. M. Zieliński, et al.

Increasing the safety of the residents exposed to natural hazards in the retention reservoirs of the Łódź Province by modernisation of equipment and introducing of innovative methods of monitoring in Laboratory of Environmental Threats of University of Lodz

Project number: UDA-RPLD.02.05.00-00-025/09-00
Funding: Regional Operational Programme of the Lodz Province (2007-2013)
Grant duration: 15.02-30.11.2010
Grant amount: 1 280 508,00 zł
Project leader: dr D. Szczukocki
Project team: dr hab. inż. M. Zieliński, et al.