- K. Rudnicki, Ł. Półtorak, K. Sobczak, S. Skrzypek, M. Zieliński, Method of marking quinine. Patent number: Pat.241980; Bulletin of the Patent Office of the Republic of Poland 1/2023, p. 8 (02.01.2023 r.), Patent Office of the Republic of Poland. [Patent information]
- M. Zieliński, E. Miękoś, S. Skrzypek, D. Szczukocki, D. Sroczyński, K. Kołodziejczyk, M. Jaksender, A. Łukawska, Method of electroless matte nickel plating of steel. Patent number: Pat.237212, Bulletin of the Patent Office of the Republic of Poland 6/2021, p. 17 (22.03.2021 r.), Patent Office of the Republic of Poland. [Patent abstract]
- M. Zieliński, E. Miękoś, S. Skrzypek, D. Szczukocki, D. Sroczyński, A. Łukawska, K. Kołodziejczyk, M. Jaksender, Container for separating pharmaceutical blister components. Patent number: Pat.237055, Bulletin of the Patent Office of the Republic of Poland 5/2021, p. 15 (8.03.2021 r.), Patent Office of the Republic of Poland. [Patent abstract]
- M. Zieliński, E. Miękoś, D. Szczukocki, S. Skrzypek, K. Kołodziejczyk, M. Jaksender, B. Krawczyk, K. Czarny, R. Juszczak, R. Dałkowski, Method for separation of waste components from pharmaceutical blisters. Patent number: Pat.234513, Bulletin of the Patent Office of the Republic of Poland 3/2020, p. 20 (31.03.2020 r.), Patent Office of the Republic of Poland. [Patent abstract]
- M. Zieliński, E. Miękoś, D. Szczukocki, R. Dałkowski, B. Krawczyk, R. Juszczak, Method for producing plaster coated insulating layers,. Patent number: Pat.230130, Bulletin of the Patent Office of the Republic of Poland 9/2018, p. 3343 (28.09.2018 r.), Patent Office of the Republic of Poland. [Patent abstract]
- R. Karpowicz, J. Lewkowski, E. Miękoś, M. Zieliński, New methyl esters of N-substituted amino acid (aryl or alkyl)methyl-phosphonic and a method for preparing methyl esters of N-substituted amino acid (aryl or alkyl)methyl-phosphonic. Patent number: Pat.229010, Bulletin of the Patent Office of the Republic of Poland 5/2018, p. 1608 (30.05.2018 r.), Patent Office of the Republic of Poland. [Patent abstract]
- M. Zieliński, Method of processing phosphate gypsum wastes. Patent number: Pat.186189, Bulletin of the Patent Office of the Republic of Poland 11/2003, p. 1653 (22.12.2003 r.), Patent Office of the Republic of Poland. [Patent abstract]
- M. Zieliński, Procede pour transformer les dechets de phosphogypse, patent number: MA 24576PL (31.12.1998), Patent Office of Morocco. [Patent abstract]
- M. Zieliński, M. Cyrkiewicz, Method for producing gypsum from waste phosphogypsum. Patent number: Pat.163643, Bulletin of the Patent Office of the Republic of Poland 4/1994, p. 329 (9.09.1994 r.), Patent Office of the Republic of Poland. [Patent abstract]
- W. Radke, M. Cyrkiewicz, T. Błaszczyk, M. Bieniecki, B. Maciejewski, H. Scholl, M. Zieliński, System for receiving data Consul 253-Odra 1305. Patent number: Pat.150648, Bulletin of the Patent Office of the Republic of Poland 6/1990, p. 88 (30.06.1990 r.), Patent Office of the Republic of Poland. [Patent abstract]
- M. Cyrkiewicz, H. Scholl, M. Zieliński, Method of analysis of dissolved oxygen in water exposed to magnetic field. Patent number: Pat.150123, Bulletin of the Patent Office of the Republic of Poland 4/1990, p. 175 (30.04.1990 r.), Patent Office of the Republic of Poland. [Patent abstract]
- M. Cyrkiewicz, M. Zieliński, H. Scholl, Method for performing measurements analysis of surface tension of liquids and their solutions. Patent number: Pat.150447, Bulletin of the Patent Office of the Republic of Poland 5/1990, p. 222 (31.05.1990 r.), Patent Office of the Republic of Poland. [Patent abstract]
- H. Scholl, M. Cyrkiewicz, M. Zieliński, Method of preparation of metal-oxide electrode with active surface for special electrochemical applications. Patent number: Pat.149432, Bulletin of the Patent Office of the Republic of Poland 2/1990, p. 64 (28.02.1990 r.), Patent Office of the Republic of Poland. [Patent abstract]
- S. Smarzewska, K. Koszelska, D. Guziejewski, E. Miękoś, M. Świderski, M. Wypych, N. Ullah, Sposób oznaczania tymochinonu w roztworach wodnych lub w roztworach na bazie rozpuszczalników rozpuszczalnych w wodzie, patent application number: P.445674 (25.07.2023 r.), Patent Office of the Republic of Poland.
- S. Smarzewska, D. Guziejewski, N. Ullah, K. Koszelska, M. Skowron-Jaskólska, E. Miękoś, M. Zieliński, Korpus elektrodowy do pomiarów elektrochemicznych, patent application number: P.444434 (17.04.2023 r.), Patent Office of the Republic of Poland.
- M. Zieliński, E. Miękoś, D. Sroczyński, S. Skrzypek, A. Fenyk, D. Szczukocki, K. Czarny-Krzymińska, Method of separation of components of PET/PE/PET waste foil laminates, patent application number: P.444036 (10.03.2023 r.), Patent Office of the Republic of Poland.
- M. Zieliński, E. Miękoś, D. Sroczyński, S. Skrzypek, D. Szczukocki, A. Fenyk, Method of separation of pharmaceutical blister components, patent application number: P.440916 (12.04.2022 r.), Patent Office of the Republic of Poland.
- E. Miękoś, M. Zieliński, D. Sroczyński, S. Skrzypek, D. Szczukocki, A. Fenyk, A. Łukawska, Method of obtaining a magnetic, hybrid polymer composite, patent application number: P.439879 (17.12.2021 r.), Patent Office of the Republic of Poland.
- K. Rudnicki, Ł. Półtorak, K. Sobczak, S. Skrzypek, M. Zieliński, Method of marking quinine, patent application number: P.436383 (17.12.2020 r.), Patent Office of the Republic of Poland.
- M. Zieliński, E. Miękoś, S. Skrzypek, D. Szczukocki, D. Sroczyński, Method of recycling of waste components from pharmaceutical blisters, patent application number: P.435649 (12.10.2020 r.), Patent Office of the Republic of Poland.
- M. Zieliński, E. Miękoś, S. Skrzypek, D. Szczukocki, D. Sroczyński, A. Łukawska, K. Kołodziejczyk, M. Jaksender, Container for separating pharmaceutical blister components, patent application number: P.427631 (02.11.2018 r.), Bulletin of the Patent Office of the Republic of Poland 10/2020, p. 32 (4.05.2020 r.), Patent Office of the Republic of Poland.
- M. Zieliński, E. Miękoś, S. Skrzypek, D. Szczukocki, D. Sroczyński, K. Kołodziejczyk, M. Jaksender, A. Łukawska, Method of electroless matte nickel plating of steel, patent application number: P.427280 (29.09.2018 r.), Bulletin of the Patent Office of the Republic of Poland 8/2020, p. 31 (6.04.2020 r.), Patent Office of the Republic of Poland.
- M. Zieliński, E. Miękoś, D. Szczukocki, S. Skrzypek, K. Kołodziejczyk, M. Jaksender, B. Krawczyk, K. Czarny, R. Juszczak, R. Dałkowski, Method for separation of components from waste pharmaceutical blisters, patent application number: P.421618 (17.05.2017 r.), Bulletin of the Patent Office of the Republic of Poland 24/2018, p. 22 (19.11.2018 r.), Patent Office of the Republic of Poland.
- M. Zieliński, E. Miękoś, D. Szczukocki, R. Dałkowski, B. Krawczyk, R. Juszczak, Method for producing plaster coated insulating layers, patent application number: P.410037 (03.11.2014 r.), Bulletin of the Patent Office of the Republic of Poland 10/2016, p. 22 (9.05.2016 r.), Patent Office of the Republic of Poland.
- R. Karpowicz, J. Lewkowski, E. Miękoś, M. Zieliński, New methyl esters of N-substituted amino acid (aryl or alkyl)methyl-phosphonic and a method for preparing methyl esters of N-substituted amino acid (aryl or alkyl)methyl-phosphonic, patent application number: P.403857 (13.05.2013 r.), Bulletin of the Patent Office of the Republic of Poland 24/2014, p. 33 (24.11.2014 r.), Patent Office of the Republic of Poland.
- Z. Karkowski, M. Cyrkiewicz, M. Zieliński, Method of preparation of waste film reel for further processing, patent application number: P.272990 (10.06.1988 r.), Bulletin of the Patent Office of the Republic of Poland 25/1989, p. 32 (11.12.1989 r.), Patent Office of the Polish People's Republic.